This is the Bible study I taught this morning to the 11th-12th grade students at the church where God allows me to serve. As such, it is aimed at high school students, but I pray it will also be beneficial to those who are a bit older. The Bible Says What?! The Words of a […]
The Gospel And Biblical Manhood & Womanhood
I’m glad you’re reading this article. I have two requests of you before we get started. First, I want to encourage you to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:10-12, who carefully searched the Scriptures to verify the truthfulness of the teaching they received. There are emotional and philosophical reasons to land on particular sides […]
The Gospel And Homosexuality Part 3
This final post in this series (click to read part one or part two) is a consideration of how the Gospel affects our treatment of homosexuals, which is an important consideration in our culture, which tends to gravitate toward one of two extremes: encouraging homosexuals to embrace homosexuality or hating homosexuals for embracing homosexuality. So […]
The Gospel And Homosexuality Part 2
In the previous post, I attempted to demonstrate that the Bible is clear in its assertion that homosexuality is sinful. But that leaves the question, “So what?” There are two levels on which I want to answer this question. The first is to ask what this means for homosexuals and the second is ask what […]
The Gospel And Homosexuality Part 1
I know this is a hot topic issue. And I know this for several reasons. First, I know this is a hot topic because I have friends who are homosexual. I also know this because I watch various news broadcasts and read blogs from time to time regarding the LBGT movement (i.e., I’m aware of […]
Wives: Submit Like The Church
Wives, have you ever wondered, “What exactly does God require of me as a wife?” Â If so, I hope this helps. Â But be forewarned. Â The Bible paints of picture of marriage that is in stark opposition to the cultural norms in 21st century America. Â My prayer, though, is that you will buy into God’s design […]
Husbands: Lead Like Christ (The Responsibility)
What is the purpose of marriage?  Does marriage mainly exist for tax benefits?  Of course not.  The Bible states several purposes for marriage: Companionship (Gen. 2:18). Enjoyment (Prov. 5:15-19,Eccl. 9:9, Song of Solomon). NOTE: Happiness is a purpose for marriage, but unhappiness is not grounds for divorce. Procreation (Gen. 1:22, 28, 8:17, 9:1, 9:7, etc.). Reflection (i.e., “mirroring,” not […]