I’m glad you’re reading this article. I have two requests of you before we get started. First, I want to encourage you to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:10-12, who carefully searched the Scriptures to verify the truthfulness of the teaching they received. There are emotional and philosophical reasons to land on particular sides […]
Wives: Submit Like The Church
Wives, have you ever wondered, “What exactly does God require of me as a wife?” Â If so, I hope this helps. Â But be forewarned. Â The Bible paints of picture of marriage that is in stark opposition to the cultural norms in 21st century America. Â My prayer, though, is that you will buy into God’s design […]
Husbands: Lead Like Christ (The Responsibility)
What is the purpose of marriage?  Does marriage mainly exist for tax benefits?  Of course not.  The Bible states several purposes for marriage: Companionship (Gen. 2:18). Enjoyment (Prov. 5:15-19,Eccl. 9:9, Song of Solomon). NOTE: Happiness is a purpose for marriage, but unhappiness is not grounds for divorce. Procreation (Gen. 1:22, 28, 8:17, 9:1, 9:7, etc.). Reflection (i.e., “mirroring,” not […]
Husbands: Leaders Like Christ (The Position)
There exists today much controversy with regard to Paul’s teaching on male headship and female submission within the context of marriage.  But what does the Bible teach regarding headship? What The Bible Does Not Teach About Male Headship In Marriage: Some hold a view of male headship that is better defined as “male domination.â€Â Harsh, […]