This video circulates every year around Easter. Here’s to it continuing to do so. Let the weight of the crucifixion break your heart and give you hope in the fact that Sunday actually came. The tomb was empty. The Savior had risen. Redemption had been accomplished. Thanks be to God.
Why Oprah And Brad Pitt Deserted God (And Why You Shouldn’t)
“You shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” (Ex. 34:14). Think about the ways you’ve seen jealousy play out in your life and in the lives of those around you. Â Is jealousy a quality you’re comfortable associating with God? Â Since it’s a quality that God associates […]
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
I don’t have my head buried in the sand. I know the thought of listening to a rap song is nothing shy of repulsive for some (okay, many) of you. I really am aware of that. And I’m still asking you to do it, not to torture you, but because I’m convinced it will benefit […]
The Curse of Motivational Speaking
“Whenever I listen to motivational speaking, I seem to hear the message, ‘Peace, peace,’ where there is no peace. It sounds to me like a doctor assuring a patient who has terminal cancer in its final stages that he should not worry because all will be okay if he only believes in himself. The guy […]
In Sickness or in Health
This is undoubtedly the second most stunning story of marriage that I have ever heard, surpassed only by the covenantal faithfulness of Christ toward His bride. Whether you’re young or old, married or single, planning to be married or determined to stay single, you simply must watch this video. Click here to learn more about […]
The Distinction Between Law And Gospel
In the masterful sermon he preached on January 1, 1532, entitled “The Distinction Between Law And Gospel,” Martin Luther made one comment, in particular, that provides sweet nourishment for my sometimes weary soul, and I pray it does the same for yours: If the Law . . . accuses me of failing to do this […]