You may have noticed today that some of your friends’ profile pictures changed to a red box with a pink equal sign inside it. If you’re as confused as I initially was, the mass profile picture switch is a social media strategy implemented by the Human Rights Campaign, whose logo is a box with an […]
Freedom OF Religion or Freedom FROM Religion?
I’ve been teaching through portions of Wayne Grudem’s Politics According to the Bible with the 9th-12th grade students at Sylvania Church. While I’ve found the book to be fantastic, one section in particular has been particularly striking to me, and I want to share it with you: From the perspective of American history, [a] reason that “exclude religion” […]
The Myth of Separation of Church and State
R.C. Sproul wrote an article that I think every Christian should read before voting for any political candidate. I’ve quoted for you below the portions that I find most compelling. Government today perpetuates a myth which is totally ungrounded in American history. This myth is articulated every day under the rubric of the “separation of […]