Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible & Why by Bart D. Ehrman
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Bart Ehrman is an extremely well-educated and academically well-respected man, and while many of his observations have further shaped my understanding of the reliability of our current Hebrew and Greek Bibles (i.e., that the Bible is inerrant only in the original manuscripts and that there are many thousands of variations among the manuscripts we do have), his ultimate conclusions (i.e., that the current Hebrew and Greek Bibles are not reliable) are not warranted, as Daniel Bock and Darrell Wallace demonstrate in Dethroning Jesus and as James White demonstrates in his debate against Bart Ehrman. Daniel Wallace and Darrell Bock probably said it best when they essentially said that much of Ehrman’s research would make for a great seminary course, but that his conclusions go too far and are unnecessary. So, the book is quite good from a research standpoint (i.e., technical, scholarly, well-thought, thorough, etc.), although Ehrman seems to arrive at unnecessary conclusions based on that research.